Topics include:
Ending the Confusion: Why I Returned to the Catholic Church After 40 Years
With gentle humor, Susan takes audiences on a very personal journey through four decades of estrangement from Catholicism, explaining how and why she ultimately returned to the Church. Susan explores the pressure of pretending to be an engaged church-goer while, on the inside, boredom, confusion, and pain prevailed Along the way, she explores timeless topics such as the power of prayer and solitude, the meaning of spiritual surrender, the “Genius of Catholicism,” discovering peace that surpasses all understanding, and an unexpected weekend encounter that changed everything.
Is This All There Is? A New Ager’s Journey Home to the Catholic Church
For years, Susan studied New Age healing techniques, visited psychics and mediums, and joined another religion, all in search of the transcendent. Though excited to explore new ideas and spiritual practices, she discovered, one-by-one, that they were not sustainable. While Susan is the first to admit that she rejected the Church because of her misperceptions and misunderstandings, she sees now that the faith she’d long viewed as the problem was actually her only solution. As a result, Catholicism has evolved from being a strange and stuffy word to a daily adventure.
Facing Death as Never Before: The End is Just the Beginning
Susan Dolan had fulfilled her dreams of becoming a registered nurse and an attorney, owning a hospice company, writing an award-winning book, and being recognized as an end-of-life expert. So why did she burn out and drop out? And what or Who restored her to abundant life and, in the process, changed her perspective on death? The powerful answers unfold in Susan’s story of hope, a rich blend of spiritual truths and practical end-of-life considerations.